1. The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger.
-I've recently watched the movie and thought it was brilliant. However, I need to read the book to get a full grasp of the story. (I'm making excuses. I'm a bookworm. Born one and will die one. Period.)
-I know. The trend's been around for a while but it's only recently that I've made peace with my body. Haha. Now I want one. Bad.
Note: I bought a striped pair from People Are People. Let's see how it goes from there.
3. A new MP3 player.
-Preferably an iPod Touch of its latest generation. Now, I love my 5th gen iPod video but unfortunately, I don't update it anymore. I lost my extensive iTunes music library when my laptop died. Sob.
-Favorite. Chocolate. In. The. World.
Note: It still is my favorite chocolate in the world. It's just that the boyfriend bought me a large bag of the stuff to satisfy my craving. Yum yum yum!
5. Gossip Girl Season 3 in DVD.
-A pirated one will do. Hehe.
Hay. My bread's down to the crumbs as I am still unemployed so...help? Anyone? :)